Debbie Tsigarides


Debbie previously worked for the NHS, working up to a senior level leaving in November 2013 to set up CLBD Ltd. During her time within the NHS she was an enthusiastic and dedicated senior nursing professional gaining considerable expertise in the management and delivery of person-centred care services in Mental Health care and Learning Disabilities settings.

Debbie’s passion for developing services has evolved from living with a daughter with a learning disability. She experienced the difficulties that many families have around the barriers accessing services and how this may impact on the immediate family but also the wider social network.

Debbie became an advocate for people and families with a learning disability and joined private and voluntary organisations developing awareness in the wider sector. Debbie was also a trustee of the Parents Consortium which was a parent led organisation developing activities for children with a learning disability outside of school time.

Debbie is responsible for delivering the best possible service to each individual. Leading and managing staff teams whilst developing wellbeing within the organisation. Debbie alongside her senior management team will aim at facilitating strong channels of communication between all stakeholders.

Get in touch on 01634 869200

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